Blog Posts - Articles

My blog will give you insight into my life outside of writing. My interests have such a range, and I want to share them with you. Feel free to check out my latest posts and interviews.

How to Make a Vision Binder

Estimated Read Time: 6 minutes

I truly believe that you get out of life what you put in. So, if you put in a lot of snacks and movies, well, you get the idea. But seriously, I've created clear goals for 2025 that can be accomplished. I've dabbled in vision boards before, but this year, I stumbled upon a more in-depth method called vision binders. It's like vision boards on steroids, allowing a full breakdown to practice manifestation in different components of your life.

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How to Make 2025 Your Year

Estimated Read Time: 5 minutes

People always say, “This year is going to be my year!” But what if 2025 could truly be the year you make that statement true? I’m someone who believes that if you set yourself up for it, you can accomplish many of your goals in the year. I’ll tell you 5 ways I’m doing that for 2025. Buckle up, it's going to be a good one!

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This is Your Sign to Try a Paint Night

Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

I found out about solo dates this year and I was mind blown, like, hold on, I can just spend time with myself and have fun on my own? Sure, I've done things on my own before—window shopping, visiting bookstores—but my mom/best friend was always nearby. When we stumbled upon this paint night event, I knew I had to try it. Paint nights were quite the trend before Covid, but I never had the chance to experience one. Now, after reading about my experience, I hope you'll be inspired to give it a shot too.


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I had Covid!

I travelled outside Canada for the first time in years, to our neighbouring country the US. It was such a nice family vacation. We went to Disneyland and Universal Studios and it was awesome. It was my first time at Universal, and I fell in love. But as they say, all good things come to an end. After all the fun, I came home with Coronavirus. When I thought about bringing back souvenirs from our trip, Covid was definitely not on the list.

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5 Poetry Writing Tips For Success

Estimated Read Time: 6 minutes

If you’re on my website, chances are you know I’ve written and published my own poetry book. I even did the illustrations! That was all after my love for it was sparked, then my journey really started. I will walk you through tips that really helped me write poetry, and find my writing style. I have 5 tips in total. (I also have an insane bonus tip at the end. It’s my secret, but good poets don’t gatekeep. ;))

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How to Find Your Art Style

Estimated Read Time: 6 minutes

Have you ever heard of an impatient artist? Let me introduce you to one: Hi I’m Jill Tyler-Dolan and I am an impatient artist. For the longest time, art was a hobby and never something I spent much time on. I was the art student who handed in half decent work to the teacher after every class, when the assignment really should’ve taken a week. The teachers would typically lift a judgmental brow, and ask if I was actually done, considering the project wasn’t due till next week. Sure, I enjoyed doing art, but only to a certain extent. And when I got bored of one project, I’d move on to the next. I tried for years to spend a bit more time on each piece. I hadn’t even tried to reach my full potential yet as an artist. But I decided to make a commitment to my art, and a couple years ago I found a style that works for me. Here are some steps I took to get there.

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How to get 15,000 monthly views on Pinterest in 2 months

Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Pinterest, the realm of vision boards and creative ideas, presents an intriguing challenge when you initially launch your business account. As you track views, clicks, and other analytics, the question arises: How do you gain traction? Allow me to share three effective strategies that not only helped me but are also guaranteed to boost views on your page. When I created my business account in January, I started from scratch with zero views, and it took a few days to gain any traction due to my initial lack of understanding. Without further ado, I’ll get right into it.

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Life has more in store for you!

Jill Tyler Dolan portrait

My name is Jill Tyler-Dolan. I am a poet, artist, and student, who’s passionate about self development. I also have some exciting news! I’m a new author and my book “The Hummingbird’s Garden”...

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