The Hummingbird Collection:
The first 15 pieces of artwork are from The Hummingbird Collection. I embarked on a creative challenge to craft a unique collection featuring hummingbirds, with a special emphasis on celebrating women from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities. This body of work represents a new frontier in my artistic journey, with each piece requiring meticulous attention to detail and hours of dedication. My goal was to capture the beauty and essence of these women, and I'm thrilled to share the result with you. I hope you'll find as much joy and inspiration in this collection as I do.

The Hummingbird’s Friend
Watercolour on Paper - 2023
This piece is inspired by Grandma because she loved hummingbirds, and the hair is also inspired by hydrangeas, which were one of her favourite flowers. It’s also inspired in part by Frida Kahlo, a Mexican artist with an affection for birds. I studied her in high school, and I love her work. It was also important for me to include mixed portraits in my art as someone who is mixed. It may seem like going through an identity crisis sometimes. I decided to make this woman a mix of everything. She was the first portrait/painting in The Hummingbird Collection, so she holds a special place in my heart.

Woman with head cover
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
I think there is such beauty in this picture, because it’s inspired by beautiful women. During my research on cultures/religions that use different headscarves, I noticed that there are lots of women going for a bolder colour scarf. It really accentuates their natural beauty.

Latina woman
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
Latina women exude this warm glow. They are so beautiful. I tried my best to capture their energy and magnetism. I’ve had Latina friends my entire life and I’ve loved learning more about their different cultures. I love the way this one turned out.

Black girl 1
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
This was a tricky one because I needed to make her skin colour darker. Who knew I needed to add a deep purple to the brown skin tone I created? As someone with darker skin, it was important for me to showcase someone with a complexion similar to mine. I also enjoyed painting the small braids.

Indigenous Woman
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
I can’t stress the importance of highlighting indigenous women enough. Their beauty is unmatched and their cultures are as lively as they are. I did some research on Indigenous peoples’ connection to hummingbirds and I found that some tribes believe them to be sacred. I agree. I hope you like this one.

West/south Asian woman
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
Despite hummingbirds not being present in any part of Asia, countries in West and South Asia still have backgrounds with these incredible beings. I’ve always admired the beauty of the people in these parts of the world. I did some research on colours and found that bold colours were traditional and I decided to go with red with saffron and gold accents for her clothing. I loved painting her and I hope you love it too.

East Asian woman
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
I think she turned out beautiful. I went to a school with a lot of international students. Many of them happened to be from different parts of Asia. I wanted to shine a light on their beauty as people. I hope I was able to do that.

Mixed woman
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
I decided to paint a mixed woman of Asian descent. I think she turned out pretty. Also, I think the shirt is a cute touch to accentuate the softness I was trying to capture.

Caucasian woman with blonde hair
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
Let’s give a round of applause to my version stereotypical Barbie! I’m joking, but I think there is something to be said about blondes. Marilyn Monroe, for example, while not naturally blonde, is someone who I’m inspired by. I wanted to show that beauty in a modern way with this piece.

Caucasian woman with brown hair
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
Not all Caucasian women have blonde hair, and I think brunette hair is gorgeous. She has a sharper look to her, which gives her what I’ve coined as strong beauty. She looks like she can handle herself.

Mature woman
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
I love this one. On social media, there are plenty of mature women who are having their influencer moments. Not to mention, there are women in my own life that inspire me the same way this portrait does. There is something to be said for their beauty because it is so breathtaking.

Black girl 2
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
She’s deep in thought. I loved painting her and trying to get the skin tone just right. She was tricky, but I learned from painting her. She turned out beautiful though.

A Fairy Tale
Watercolour on Paper - 2023
I love fairies. There is something so magical about little beings fluttering around making dreams come true. It’s not a portrait like the other ones, but it does tie into different kinds of beauty. I love seeing those videos online where people compare human features like eyes or hands to where it’s reflected in nature. This painting makes me smile. I added the hummingbird in honour of my grandma.

Panda with tea
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
Anyone who knows me should know that pandas are my favourite animal. They’re adorable and silly, and if you didn't know, no longer endangered, which I see as a testament to what people are capable of when they can see beauty in something else. He’s also drinking tea because I love tea, and I feel that if a panda could pick what he could drink, he would drink green tea.

Beauty through pain
Watercolour on Paper - 2024
The meaning behind this piece is that even if your heart is broken, or you haven’t fully healed, so much beauty can still come from you. Each portrait to me is like a person, and I don't know their battles, but I do know their battles aren't the focus of their story, and it shouldn't be the focus of yours or mine either. This painting is important to me, and I hope you can find meaning in it as well.

Portrait Sketch
Graphite on Paper - 2023
Isn’t she cute? I loved doing this piece. I decided one afternoon to do an easy portrait sketch of no one in particular but see where my imagination went with her hair and clothing. I like the way she turned out though.

Lone Wolf
Graphite on Paper - 2024
Fun fact: I don’t really draw men. I’m just drawn to drawing and painting women. But I decided to give it a go. After struggling to make sure he looked masculine, I think I finally produced something decent. He’s kind of handsome in a rugged, loner sort of sense.
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