How to Make a Vision Binder

Estimated Read Time: 6 minutes

I truly believe that you get out of life what you put in. So, if you put in a lot of snacks and movies, well, you get the idea. But seriously, I've created clear goals for 2025 that can be accomplished. I've dabbled in vision boards before, but this year, I stumbled upon a more in-depth method called vision binders. It's like vision boards on steroids, allowing a full breakdown to practice manifestation in different components of your life. Organisation may not be my strong suit but having clear goals to check in with daily will be helpful so that I can view my progress over the year. Now, let me give you a tutorial on how I made my own Vision Binder. Get ready to get crafty, and have some fun!


Purchase/Gather Supplies:

First things first, you'll need a binder, notebook, or sketchbook. Then, you'll need pictures, stickers, pens, lined pages, highlighters, and markers. Basically, raid the stationery aisle like it's Black Friday. There are some optional supplies you may want to add to your list, such as washi tape and an application to design, like Canva. I used Canva to design and lay out my pages. You can also build collages for visualisation if you want to. (I used Pinterest Collages and downloaded them because it was easy for me.)  Creating photomontages allows you to really pack in the images, and mixing them with regular pictures is even better. 


Set up an “Annual: Overall Goals” Page:

This page almost serves as an outline for the rest of your binder. Write or type out your goals in form, list form, or any other way you can think of. The way you lay it out is up to you. It will give you guidance on how you will lay out the rest of the binder. You want to make sure there is cohesiveness. Think of it as the table of contents for your dreams.

Set up Pages for Each Aspect of Life You Want to Focus On: