Blog Posts - Tagged Art

My blog will give you insight into my life outside of writing. My interests have such a range, and I want to share them with you. Feel free to check out my latest posts and interviews.

This is Your Sign to Try a Paint Night

Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

I found out about solo dates this year and I was mind blown, like, hold on, I can just spend time with myself and have fun on my own? Sure, I've done things on my own before—window shopping, visiting bookstores—but my mom/best friend was always nearby. When we stumbled upon this paint night event, I knew I had to try it. Paint nights were quite the trend before Covid, but I never had the chance to experience one. Now, after reading about my experience, I hope you'll be inspired to give it a shot too.


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How to Find Your Art Style

Estimated Read Time: 6 minutes

Have you ever heard of an impatient artist? Let me introduce you to one: Hi I’m Jill Tyler-Dolan and I am an impatient artist. For the longest time, art was a hobby and never something I spent much time on. I was the art student who handed in half decent work to the teacher after every class, when the assignment really should’ve taken a week. The teachers would typically lift a judgmental brow, and ask if I was actually done, considering the project wasn’t due till next week. Sure, I enjoyed doing art, but only to a certain extent. And when I got bored of one project, I’d move on to the next. I tried for years to spend a bit more time on each piece. I hadn’t even tried to reach my full potential yet as an artist. But I decided to make a commitment to my art, and a couple years ago I found a style that works for me. Here are some steps I took to get there.

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